Kings Cross: 455 Caledonian Rd,
London N7 9BA
Harrow: 10 Bonnersfield Lane,
Harrow, Middx. HA1 2JR
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55 Newhall Street
Birmingham B3 3RB
Tel: 020 7700 3777


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"Massage Courses & Sports Massage Courses at the London School of Massage, the UK's most successful school for massage and body therapy training.  Massage courses and training in London and throughout the UK"

Some of the massage courses and training we offer include:



Sports Massage Therapy Level 4

ITEC Level 4 Certificate in Sports Massage Course

sports massage courses

ITEC Sports Massage Course (Level 4)

This ITEC Sports Massage Level 4 course is open to all practitioners with previous training in the new (2015) ITEC Sports Therapy Diploma (Level 3), equivalent or higher qualification.

It teaches the NEW Sports Massage Therapy (2015) RQF syllabus:

  • ITEC Level 4 Certificate in Sports Massage (Level 4 RQF) UK Accreditation: QAN 601/5566/8
  • E-Course Materials & Exam Fee

This course is the pre-requisite for the ITEC Sports Level 5 course.


About this ITEC Sports Massage Course (Level 4) ...

This ITEC Sports Therapy Massage course provides the highest levels of training in the UK. 

The course is uniquely designed and develops practitioners gradually with firm foundation providing the fundamental skills and knowledge which will allow practitioners to treat a wide range of conditions as well as use a large repetoire of techniques to help tissue and client recovery.

Upon qualification, some of things practitioners will be able to:

  • Assess posture and understand common patterns of dysfunction
  • Look at common syndromes and muscular imbalances
  • Understand as well as treat common sports conditions using sports massage and a large set of advanced skills
  • Devise a  specific treatment plan to suite the individual client
  • Prepare body tissues for a sporting event using sports massage
  • Use sports massage techniques to assist an athlete following an activity
  • Maintain body tissues in a healthy state in between sporting activities
  • Be able to advise on self help and self recovery through exercises and home instructions

The taught treatment is not just limited to sports injuries, but can also be applied to injuries sustained in everyday life.

This Sports Massage course is taught by professional and practising Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Sports Science therapists who are all trained above the taught level and who are passionate about the subject.  Each sports massage course lecturer will impart a wealth of information from their own sports massage practice as well as using accelerated training methods and NLP techniques to facilitate your learning of the subject.

Learners will sit the final exams for the ITEC Sports Massage qualifications, level 4 and can then subsequently continue to complete the Sports Massage Therapy (level 5) qualification.  Where chosen, this can be on the same day.

On completion, this will allow the practitioners to obtain full professional insurance as well as allow successful students to join one of the UK's sports massage associations, as well as the Complementary Therapy and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).


sports massage course

sports massage courses uk

sports massage training courses

What will I learn in this ITEC Sports Massage Course ...

The course will cover the full ITEC Sports Massage (Level 4 QCF) syllabus through formal lectures, practicals and class demonstrations as well as home assignments. 

Some of the topics covered in this combined ITEC Sports Massage course are:

ITEC Sports Therapy (Level 4)

  • Regional Anatomy - study of constituent parts of a given body region.
  • Applied Anatomy - study of how the body parts function individually and in relation to other body regions.
  • Origin, Insertion and Action of over 50 muscles.
  • Injuries - study of specific injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments, bursa and bone.
  • Posture evaluation - how and what to observe for postural evaluation
  • Regional Anatomy & Assessment
  • Orthopaedic Testing & Injury Assessment
  • The effect and application of Thermo (heat) & Cryotherapy (cold)
  • Treatment - of acute & chronic injuries and include techniques such as:

    • Effective Deep Tissue Massage Techniques
    • Neuro Muscular Technique (NMT)
    • Trigger Points
    • Muscle Energy Technique (MET)
    • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
    • Soft Tissue Release Technique (STR)
    • Connective Tissue Massage (CTM)
    • Passive articulation of major joints (excl. spine)
  • A look at different types of exercises and stretching routines.
  • Sports Rehabilitation of the injured individual

Sports Massage Course Prerequisites ...

Students must hold the ITEC Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy Level 3 or  or higher before enrolling on this course.

The level of English required for overseas students is IELTS level 6-7 or equivalent.

The course will involve computer work and students are requested to have access to a PC or laptop.

If you are unsure of your current course qualifications, please call the office to find out if these can count towards this Sports massage qualification.  We will do our best to find out ways in which we can help you to successfully complete this Sports Massage course and become a professional and qualified Sports Massage Therapist.

Sports Massage Course Length ...

This ITEC  Sports Massage Therapy course is taught as a 10 Day fast track intensive course spread over several months. 

  • ITEC Sports Massage Therapy (Level 4) - 10 days


Sports Massage Course Exams ...

Your final exam takes place 4-6 weeks after the last day of your course. This date is confirmed for each course/group before starting the course.

The final Sports Massage course exams will include:

ITEC Sports Therapy Massage (Level 4) Exam

  • Completion of 5 x Case Studies + 2 x Follow-ups (10 in total)
  • Completion of 15 x Additional Treatment Log
  • Completion of 1 x Guided Home Assignment
  • A practical examination lasting 1 hour
  • In class assessment and examinations

IMPORTANT: If you want to join a sports association, you may have to have a minimum of 6 months training from the start of the course before you sit the final exam.

Opportunities after Completing this Sports Massage Course ...

Upon successful completion of our Sports Massage courses, our students have gone onto:

  • Develop their own clinics as well as treat and consult a wider range of clients.
  • Work in Sports and Health Clubs as a Sports Therapists.
  • Join one of the countries sports massage associations
  • Join the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) - Created by the Government to regulate lead therapies
  • Study one of our further advanced massage courses such as Sports Therapy Massage (Level 5),  ITEC Aromatherapy, ITEC Reflexology, ITEC Indian Head MassageLymphatic Drainage Massage, Hot Stone Massage, On Site Chair Massage or Baby Massage, as well as degree courses such as Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine.
  • Develop their Continual Professional Development (CPD) portfolio
itec sports massage courses level 4
ITEC is a leading international specialist examination board, providing quality qualifications in Complementary Therapies, Sports & Fitness Training. It is approved as an Awarding Organisation (AO) in the UK. As such all RQF qualifications are approved on the Regulated Qualifications Framework. 
ITEC Sports Massage courses are recognised by major insurance companies and practitioner insurance is available upon successful completion of this aromatherapy course.
Successful completion of this diploma course will provide you with the title of "Sports Massage Therapist", and the knowledge and techniques needed to give a professional Sports Massage treatment.
elcas sports massage courses london school of massage This course is ELCAS approved and those elegible can apply via the ELC scheme using provider nymber 11265.
  The CNHC is the UK voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners that was set up with government support to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of complementary therapists. CHNC's register has been approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.  This means CNHC has met the Professional Standards Authority's demanding standards.
 general-council-massage-therapy The GCMT is the governing body for massage and soft tissue therapies that form all bodyworks and soft tissue techniques in the UK. We are a non-profit making body with the following aims and objectives.

It aims to:

- To define and influence educational standards in the field of soft tissue therapies.
- To act as a lobbying and pressure group in the areas of, education, regulation, insurance and employment.
- To cooperate collectively (e.g on commercial deals) for the benefit of our respective memberships.
- To share best practice and experience as PAs.
- To bring together, and initiate, research into soft tissue therapy.



Inclusive Of: Full E-Course File, Demo Video & Exam Fees

Eligibility: Open to anyone with Level 3 RQF qualification in Sports Therapy

Maximum 20 per course.

1st March Code: SP4O 1.0

Part 1) 1 - 2nd March Online Zoom (9:30 - 13:00 approx)
Part 2) 8 - 9th March Online Zoom (9:30 - 13:00 approx)
Part 3) 15 - 16th March Online Zoom (9:30 - 13:00 approx)
Part 4) 17 - 21st March (Kings Cross, 9:30 - 4:30 approx)

Total £1280.00 (Discounted before 22/2/2025) £1295.00 Thereafter

Online Zoom/Kings Cross

9:30 - 12:30 / 9.30am - 5.00pm (Approx)


5th July Code: SP4O 2.0

Part 1) 5 - 6th Jul Online Zoom (9:30 - 13:00 approx)
Part 2) 12 - 13th Jul Online Zoom (9:30 - 13:00 approx)
Part 3) 19 - 20th Jul Online Zoom (9:30 - 13:00 approx)
Part 4) 21 - 25th Jul (Kings Cross, 9:30 - 4:30 approx)

Total £1280.00 (Discounted before 28/6/2025) £1295.00 Thereafter

Kings Cross


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